Lego Boost is a great set for kids, Teens and adults to experience the fun of programming and learn serious skills during play. This book is to show the full potential of the Boost-Set. Based on six further Models some special building blocks and programming technics are explained.
The description of each Model is structured into the chapters “Build”, “Code” and “Play”:
1) Ball-Booster Automated marble run using the color sensor and a catapult
2) Bob-It-Booster Party-Game with score counter to show all sensoric functions
3) Weight-Booster Automated beam balance based on the tilt sensor
4) Boost-Writer Vehicle for writing, drawing and copying
5) Egg-Booster Multi-Color drawings on chicken eggs – even beyond Easter break
6) Cube Booster Device to solve the Rubix-Cube
Following the simple concept of the original Boost-Set, the book avoids theoretical basics. In addition to detailed step-by-step building instructions, all programs are explained in detail and every programming block is specifically explained. The “Play”-chapters inspire to own experiments and further development of the code and models.
Especially with the writing and Cube-Solving models, the book can proof that there is not much of a gap between the Boost-Set and the more expensive Mindstorms-Set. Five of the six Sets can be built with just the pieces included in the original Boost-Set (17101). Only one model needs two extra bricks. These extra bricks are included in the Set “Arctic Explorer” (60194) or can be bought separately.
This 130-page book provides many hours of fun and learning experiences for kids, teens and adults. Starting from large builds and simple programs it ranges to extremely complex automatic solving of a Rubix Cube.
If you already own this book, you can find complementary information here.